Tantalus Crossing

"A dark twisted road of self discovery awaits..."

Check here often for updates on the progress of  feature film "Tantalus Crossing"


Interview with writer/director Jason Mcroberts:

Melinda Reddehase:  So what prompted you to start this film making journey?

Jason Mcroberts:  I am huge fan of the Twilight Zone films and TV show. When it came time start my own project
I knew I wanted to do something with that kind of feel. Tantalus Crossing is my own take on that kind of story

Melinda Reddehase: What can you tell me about the film?

Jason Mcroberts: Without giving too much away, I can tell you its about a man named Talbot Jones who stops at
a truck stop and things become very strange just after he arrives. 

Melinda Reddehase: What inspired the story?

Jason Mcroberts: That's a great question. My brother and I mainly do location sound for feature films so we drive
to Los Angeles frequently. I've driven on interstate 10 so many times I've lost count. So there is one gas station that's in the middle of the desert between Van Horn and El Paso TX that sits on top of hill. Its the only thing around for miles. Something about it's isolation spoke to me and I built the film's story around it. 

Melinda Reddehase: When can we expect to see this one completed?

Jason Mcroberts: Right now I'm revising the script and looking for funding. I thought about doing the film with a micro budget but I would rather wait until I can do this story justice by having the money in place to hire a professional cast and crew.